Trainers Excellence Series

Dorchester Collection Academy

Let us help you become the very best leader you can be. This series ranges from short, on-the-job courses to a full programme of learning, combining both theory and practical elements to help you train your teams at a certificated level.

Get in touch

Please get in touch and we can discuss what’s right for you and your business.
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Tailored to you
When you join a course, you’ll have the opportunity to develop or deliver training sessions specific to your business. Each course is suitable for all levels of experience and is facilitated by a seasoned master of training. Available for a minimum of four and maximum of eight per group.

Practical Training Certificate (Level 1)

  • Structuring a practical training session
  • Adapting training to different learning styles
  • Securing the trainees’ attention
  • Breaking the training process down into logical steps
  • Using questions to keep trainees involved
  • Checking trainees’ understanding
  • Giving constructive feedback

Practical Training Certificate Licenced Trainer (Level 3)

  • PTC Code of Practice
  • How to deliver the three-day PTC programme
  • Introduction to the PTC marking criteria and assessment
  • Marking practice
  • Feedback skills
  • PTC one-to-one sessions, delivery and feedback

Introduction to Effective Training Certificate (Level 1)

  • The benefits of training
  • The difference between presentations and training sessions
  • Learning styles and overcoming barriers to learning
  • The learning cycle
  • Introduction to setting learning objectives
  • Essential skills and tips for effective training
  • Using flipcharts and PowerPoint
  • Training practice and evaluation

Group Training Certificate (Level 2)

  • Setting and writing instructional objectives
  • Structuring a training session
  • Using different techniques to handle groups and individuals
  • Practical ways to check understanding and increase participation
  • Training skills
  • Using visual aids and handouts to make the most impact
  • Two assessment practice sessions
  • Setting action plans

Group Training Certificate Licenced Trainer (Level 3)

  • How to deliver the Group Training Certificate
  • GTC Code of Practice
  • Introduction to the GTC marking criteria for assessments
  • Marking practice
  • Giving feedback to GTC delegates